An open letter to the Senators of the Republic

Dear Senators of the Republic,

It seems Gloria Arroyo is right. The administration has won the 2007 elections. Her allies are teeming in the House of Reprehensibles. The local positions are mostly allied with the administration.

The Senate? Sure it was dominated by the opposition – an aggrupation that is fractured from the very start, glued together by their opposition to Arroyo and nothing else. However, most of you are ambitious politicians who are not only eyeing a Senate seat. You are looking ahead.

Now that you have taken their oaths, some of you have began undercutting each other, trying to place themselves in a position that will propel them to the Fortress by the Pasig, forgetting that they were elected by the people to serve them.

Just look at one of them. He ran under the opposition, and just to get the position that he wanted, he reached out to administration senators. Maybe that’s why Arroyo is unperturbed by Genuine Opposition’s victory – either he is a Trojan horse, or she knew that GO will crumble as soon as they get their seats. And one day, when we poor people wake up, we will find an administration-dominated Senate even if we voted opposition.

Then there is this senator who is ambitious enough to cause division among GO senators. And there are two more who would benefit if the Trojan horse is undercut.

The Senate of the Republic is so full of ambitious politicians, that give them firearms, and we will have a Senate that is pro-Arroyo.

Dear Senators, you have betrayed the trust of the people who have voted for you. You prove yourselves no better than the members of the House of Reprehensibles. Your actions only prove that Juan Miguel Zubiri is really worthy of joining the Senate.

Dear Senators of the Republic: you are elected by the people because they believe that you will put this administration in check. But no. You haven’t even began your sessions, you have already betrayed us because of your ambitions.

Dear Senators of the Republic: you have spit on our collective faces when you squabble for positions. We ask that you unite for us. But what have you done?

Dear Senators of the Republic: do not make me regret voting for you. Otherwise, shame on you. And the people that you have betrayed will make sure that in 2010, the ambitious among you shall taste the wrath of a people betrayed.

6 thoughts on “An open letter to the Senators of the Republic

  1. Pingback: University Update - Yahoo - An open letter to the Senators of the Republic

  2. The mechanism of “mojority and minority whips” are alien to Philippine politics. Money takes their places. Candidates are hand-picked. Loyalties change like soiled diapers – only to be re-used later.


    Our laments are for real. Our hopes dashed – quickly.

  3. Hi Chuck, one Team Chiz member says not yet, maybe when he completely goes to the Dark Side.

    Hi, Arthur, don’t get me started. Can terrorists just bomb the GSIS building to bring sense to these fools?

  4. You don’t seem like an angry young man.
    I read you peruse. Read: The Tipping Point and 33 Strategies of War.

  5. No I am not. Besides, I am not relatively young. It is just that these fools really like fooling the people. I wonder how my generation will fare. I am not optimistic, though.

    Tipping points don’t work to people like Austero. And they are the majority, as they claim.

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