Eighteen days more

One of the perils of being a teacher in the tertiary level is the possibility of having a relationship with a student. The temptation is very strong. A teacher is in a position to exploit the power structure.

For a single, young teacher, it is perilous indeed.

I survived teaching for almost three years. I must say that temptation was there and everywhere. Sometimes it taunted me, sometimes it tantalized, sometimes it was subtle, and sometimes it was the student who showed intent. I am glad (some will say I am unfortunate) that I withstood temptation. I will not deny that, within some part of me there is regret, but I think it is for the better.

Two years later, I am not so sure.

One morning, I twittered that I saw my crush on the AUV. Jeff was kind enough to reply that I am too old to have crushes (no offense taken, of course). Yes, turning a year older 18 days from now, and I am too old for crushes, as social convention tells us. Society assumes that in my age, I should be in a happy and steady relationship. Yet here I am, single.

To be honest, I believe that some people have all the luck, specially when it comes to love and relationships. Some can change partners like chewing gum, some have been in a relationship for more than a decade (average length of relationship: who knows?), some will never lack companionship during their lifetime. They are the lucky ones, I guess.

Anyway, this post came in because of AJ’s predilection for having young people as crushes. Someone told me that falling in love with/having crush for people way younger than you is a sign of desperation. In my case, I have to agree. That’s one reason for leaving the academe, and that’s one reason for keeping me from from going back to teaching. I fear that as I grow older, I am not so sure if I can fight temptation.

For the past few days, I have been hearing/reading words that made me cringe. It is easy to say those words. But they don’t apply to everyone.

Some people have all the luck.

5 thoughts on “Eighteen days more

  1. Nobody is too old to have crushes hehe πŸ™‚ Yup, I agree there are people who’re lucky in relationships. However, it also takes a lot of hardwork to maintain a relationship. So maybe the person you meet is given by chance, but who you’ll stay with is a choice πŸ™‚

  2. Pingback: Relationship » Eighteen days more

  3. Wow this is different πŸ˜› It’s interesting! Hehe never thought I’d see something like this. How old will you be then? If you don’t mind telling πŸ™‚

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