
Installing gOS over Ubuntu

If you want to install the cool gOS look over Ubuntu Linux, do the following.

1. Edit your software repository list to include gOS. Open a terminal window (Applications>Accessories>Terminal), and type sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list.

2. Enter the following:
deb http://packages.thinkgos.com/gos/ painful main

3. Save the file.

a. You must also add the key so that aptitude will not warn you that the source is untrusted. At the terminal enter
wget http://www.thinkgos.com/files/gos_repo_key.asc

b. Add the key by entering the following on the terminal
sudo apt-key add gos_repo_key.asc

c. Update aptitude through this command
sudo aptitude update

4. To install gOS via terminal, I suggest using aptitude instead of apt-get. It makes the removal easier (in case you want to revert to plain Ubuntu). Note that you need an Internet connection for this one. Enter the command
sudo aptitude install greenos-desktop

5. After installation, log out. In the login screen, press F10. Click on Select Sessions, then click on Enlightenment. Click Ok.

6. After entering your user name and password, you will be prompted whether to make Enlightenment as the default desktop. If you are just checking, click Just this time.

And you will now see the default green theme.

Enlightenment desktop

To remove gOS, issue this command at the terminal:

sudo aptitude remove enlightenment

Aptitude will automatically remove greenos-desktop package.


Enlightenment DR17 is the environment used by gOS. If you want the latest version installed, add this line to the repository list (follow step one above):

deb http://e17.dunnewind.net/ubuntu gutsy e17

On the terminal, use aptitude to install the latest Enlightenment:

sudo aptitude install enlightenment

Note that DR17 is still under heavy development, and may be buggy. The upside is that you get the latest modules and gadgets (like the mixer and network gadgets).

If you want to try the beta of the new version, named Rocket, add this to the repo list instead of the one stated at step 1:

deb http://packages.thinkgos.com/gos/ reloaded main

Be warned, though. According to a post in Ubuntu Forums, installing Rocket will remove several packages, including network-manager.

(Steps taken from the unofficial gOS Forum.)


Impressions on Enlightenment over Ubuntu

I have been using Ubuntu (technically, more later) for the past month on an MSI VR320 K2 laptop. I have three desktop environments and one window manager installed – Gnome, KDE, Xfce, and Enlightenment (which comes as default desktop for gOS).

I first installed Ubuntu, and I experienced two problems with the default environment – GNOME. One was that nagging ad infinitum drum sounds; I had to mute the sound to get rid of it. One solution offered somewhere was to include the Gutsy backport repository and do an update, but Synaptic and apt-get always report that the repository is empty.

Second, the WiFi. I connected the laptop to a WiFi area secured by WPA. So I entered the passphrase and it connected fine on the first try. I just couldn’t connect again afterwards.

Then I tried installing gOS, which is just basically Ubuntu with another window manager. I liked the UI, but the network manager I did not. So i reverted to Ubuntu.

Enlightenment desktop
Anyway, as stated earlier, I had installed 3 environments and 1 window manager. Currently I am using Enlightenment with the default gOS theme. I was able to recreate the dock, but with several gadgets installed. I have 3 shelves on the desktop. On top contains an iBox (if you minimize a window, its icon is placed in this gadget). At the middle right is the iClock gadget. And the shelf below contains an iBar (gOS’ dock), the Pager (desktop pager), and temperature, battery, and CPU monitors.

This setup works for me, since the desktop is easy to the eyes, looks great, and is not cluttered. And I can play music without the nagging sound that I always get when I use GNOME.

I was also able to install GNOME PPP. This means I can use my 3G phone as modem, which is nice. I don’t have to use Windows just to browse the Web when I’m home. I haven’t tested the WiFi yet, but will do so when I get the chance.

I will post more impressions next time. Suffice to say that I like my Enlightenment setup now.

I will try to use KDE and Xfce in the next weeks, and will post my impressions soon. Will save GNOME for last, as I intend to savor Desktop and Rotate Cube effects. Take that, Windows!

And oh, don’t forget – unless you are very sure, do not press Shift+Backspace.

Shelf – technically, a container where you can place gadgets
Gadget – a piece of software that can convey information (like a battery meter) and contain several icons (iBar and iBox)
Synaptic – the graphical package manager for GNOME
Repository – a central location where you can find packages
Packages – applications that you can install